L’Eraclito Amoroso


L’Eraclito amoroso is an exploration of an aria written by Italian singer, poet and composer Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677). Strozzi was said to be the most prolific composer (male or female) of printed secular music in Venice during the middle of the century. The film combines emotive classical singing, artful pole dancing, and inspired harpsichord to reimagine the piece through a new and fascinating lens.

Soprano Elyse Anne Kakacek

Harpsichord Dylan Sauerwald

Dance Artist Ardella Bang

Director | Editor Ryan Rivard

Producers Ryan Rivard and Elyse Kakacek

Audio Matthan Black

Poster Design Joe Bradford

2019 Arts on Site Performance Party

2019 Everyday Arias

2019 Everyday Arias in Beeston